I’m having to update the blog a little later than I actually type it due to the fact that the wireless internet here at the hotel isn’t really working, but as I am typing this I am sitting in the AmericInn Hotel in Rapid City, South Dakota. Shane and I arrived here earlier this evening after a long day of driving from last nights stop in Onalaska, Wisconsin.
Today we trucked all the way across Minnesota and most of South Dakota. Both of these are fairly boring states for the most part (of course I can’t say much for Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, or Ohio either…what can I say, Pennsylvania born and raised). We saw way too much tumble weed and witness way too many bugs hitting our windshield, which Shane took it upon himself to be the official “bug scraper” of the day. The drive was fairly routine. Interstate 90 was very flat, straight, and boring for most of the day…we would crest a hill only to find another 20 miles of flatness and straightness…it makes “cruise control” become a blessing from God.
Shane again started out the driving, but I eventually took over when we hit South Dakota. This part of the drive was hot. It was around 90 degrees today and in the car (2004 Ford Escape) the gas mileage sucks if you use the air conditioning, so we road windows down at 80 mph for a good part of the day (Did I mention that the highway speed limits here are 75 mph? So cool).
After a lot of driving, we stopped at Wall Drug, which is the biggest tourist trap I’ve ever been in, but I still find it a necessity to stop. It’s a spot where in the 1800’s during the gold rush and people moving out west, a family came and dug a well. Out of this well they would supply travelers with fresh water for free. Today it is little shops and candy stores, but you can still get your free ice water (and 5 cent coffee!) so Shane and I made sure we stopped here.
After that little endeavor, we headed into the Badlands, but turned around once we found out they wanted 15.00 to enter the park and that this little detour was actually an additional 95 miles added to our trip. We’ve been to the Badlands before, but still managed to see parts of it today (as well as our first Pronghorn and Prairie Dogs of the trip!)
Then came more driving until we got to Rapid City (which is a bustling town of over 60,000 people which suddenly pops up on your after driving for 6 hours with nothing more than the occasional gas station and dirt road). We checked into our hotel, making sure to use our AAA discount this time (sorry mom), and then headed to Mount Rushmore. It was awesome to pass all the sites we had seen 6 years ago while traveling through this area…things like Bear Country, USA Wildlife Park, Mystery Mountain Campground (where we stayed in 2000 with the Flamos’s), Crazy Horse Monument, and other things.
Finally coming upon Mt. Rushmore, we found out that tonight was the first night that they were lighting it up for the season! We didn’t feel like staying for an hour and a half, so we took our pictures (saw some mountain goats too!), walked through the museum and read a ton of stuff, and off we went. We purchased a yearlong entrance pass, which is helpful as I’ll be coming back through this way in August and will be sure to stop!
Xanterra runs the concessions at Mt. Rushmore too, so I managed to get my first view of the trip into Xanterra operations, uniforms, etc (can’t say the uniforms are good looking by any means). At this point, dinner came at a 24 hour Perkins, then the hot tub and the pool…and here I am now. Shane’s reading the new AP Magazine about Anberlin and I’m typing and playing around with some photos.
I’m missing my family today. It’s only Day 2, but I don’t like being away from them…especially my mom on Mother’s Day. I really love my parents and I thank them for giving me the financial needs to make this trek out west. I really think they’re the best. They try so hard to give us everything they can, while also teaching us the value of working hard for what you get.
Listening to music today, I came across a Rodney Atkins song entitled “Watching You” that goes:
“I wear cowboy boots and camo pants. We’re just alike…Ain’t we Dad? I wanna do everything you do because I’ve been watching you. I’ve been watching you Dad, Ain’t that cool? I’m your buckaroo, I wanna be like you…”
It’s a great song and really got me thinking about this whole trip. My dad hitchhiked out west in the 1970’s and here I am, 30 years later at 20 years old, driving 2000 miles across the country with my twin brother…seeing the sites and experiencing a ton of things that I’m sure my dad did when he did his trip.
It makes me really think about how much I look up to my parents. I think they’re the greatest people I know and I really miss them so much. I know this is going to be a great experience for me, but already I can’t help but miss home. This is such a step out of my comfort zone, but I need to do this in order to grow. I’m 20 years old and it’s time to find out exactly who I am and what I want out of life.
As usual, keep me in your prayers and you shall all be in mine. Getting into God’s country…some beautiful lands and I’m thanking Him everyday for these gifts and talents He’s given me and for the great land He’s blessed us all with. I advise everyone to save up and just drive across the country…it’s amazing the things you’ll discover.
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