I just managed to get a few minutes to come online and I decided to bring noone else with me so this way I can just surf the internet for a little bit and get a dose of some technology.
Pretty much nothing big has happened since you last heard from me. It's been very cold and snowy these past few days, so I have spent a lot of time just hanging out with friends. I've made a ton of them and, honestly (and not to piss off anyone at home!!) they're becoming some of the best friends that I ever have met! It's awesome to have met people from all over the world. I've made friends from Poland, France, Jamaica, Latvia, Ukraine, Moldova (???), and especially Colombia.
Let me tell you all something about these kids from Colombia. I have been hanging out with these kids so and we all go to the pub together and spend, pretty much, every waking minute together. The ones I am closest too are named Jefferson, Carlos, Julio, Sebastian, Diana, Catalina, Nydia, and Maria-Paula.
I took them out the other night for a midnight snowball fight on the continental divide...but mostly we just sit and talk. I've been learning many Spanish phrases and I like it. I think it's funny.
For those who are wondering...yes, I have met a girl. Her name is Maria-Paula. Most nights we just sit up talking until about 4 am (which sucks when I have to be up at 6 am most mornings for work), but, even with the culture barrier, I have never met someone that is so similar to me. We are both practicing Christians, we like a lot of the same music and activities...it's just been really funny. I know that in 3 months I'll come back to Pittsburgh and she'll go back to Colombia but for now it's really nice to be able to just sit and talk with someone without a care in the world.
On Monday, Maria-Paula and I are going out and I'm going to show her parts of the park (like the Lower Falls and Inspiration Point) because she doesn't have a car here. We're also going to go out to dinner at one of the restaurants at Canyon, which I am really looking forward to!
It's also cool that all the Colombians are really really good dancers (when I say dance I don't mean like bumping and grinding, I mean like Dirty Dancing Havana Nights type of dancing)! Last night they threw some Colombian music on the stereo and just started dancing. I, unfortunately, did not because it was late and I was tired...but Maria-Paula said it is her goal this summer to teach me to dance. And I like that :-) (Maybe I can show you some skills when I get back)
Other than that, I've just been working. Xanterra offered me an internship next summer organizing recreation programs and there is also a chance of me being promoted to shift supervisor pretty soon. My bosses are all really cool...I was actually partying with 2 of them the other night. They are pretty crazy!
I'm really enjoying myself and am having the time of my life! I cannot think of a better way to spend my summer. I do miss all of you, but to be able to live this dream and to live with such amazing people...it is prob. one of the most amazing feelings I have ever felt. I feel free and, for one of the first times in my life, entirely happy (although tired from all the work!!!!)
I am learning so much about myself and who I am as a person. I am becoming a stronger person both mentally and physically. I have energy, I have a purpose, and I cannot think of a better way to spend the next 3 months of my life. I love meeting new people, jamming on the guitar, going hiking, watching geysers go off, and just hanging out with awesome friends.
Even though we've only known each other for 1 1/2 weeks, it feels like a lifetime. To live, work, eat, sleep, and play with these people...you get to know them like they are your family. Their problems are yours and you share so much. I love this.
As always, keep me in your prayers and you shall be in mine!
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