So....mostly I've been working lately and have had entirely way too many headaches this week. I don't know exactly what's been going on but I've been managing it.
Lets see, on Monday that 25th I pretty much slept all day because I was tired. It was a rough night at work because Monday the National Park Service was giving us inspections, so I had a ton to do (plus I'd been running all week with my family so I needed a relaxation day)
Tuesday Wade, Spencer, and I drove to Island Park, Idaho but there wasn't a ton there so we drove into the Gallatin National Forest to this gorgeous spring that pops up out of the ground. Its the clearest water I've ever seen! I forget the name of it though. Haha. There were muskrats swimming in the water and a mother duck with ducklings fighting a flock of seagulls while people threw food.
We then drove to Quake Lake and Hebgen Lake north of West Yellowstone. These lakes were gorgeous. Quake was formed in 1959 by a 7.3 magnitude earthquake that dammed up the Madison River and killed 28 people. There's still resort houses sitting in the water from almost 50 years ago! We went to the visitor center and hiked around a little bit, then drove back into West b/c I wanted Subway. I've been craving it and I don't know why!
Wednesday was a boring day. Wade quit and moved to West to work at Bullwinkle's Bar and Casino, so Spencer and I drove him to town to move his stuff out.
Finally thursday came! Spencer, Sandra, and I went whitewater rafting. We went with Montana Whitewater (like I did last week) except this time we did the Lower Gallatin River. This is class III-IV whitewater. The river had also dropped, so there was more rocks and stuff sticking out. We entered a place called the Mad Mile which is a full mile of class IV rapids. I almost fell out. It was awesome. I was getting whitewater in the face and getting thrown around.
I would love to be a river guide (along with a ton of other I have to find a way to combine my loves which is why I guess I am an outdoor recreation major).
A huge forest fire has started. The other day it was 850 acres and today the newspaper said it's up to 3,000 acres with only 5% being contained. They're having trouble b/c we're in a major drought here with stronger winds than normal. West Yellowstone is in danger of being evacuated and the whole valley leading into west is filled with smoke.
Driving south on 191 from Bozeman, you can see the smoke from about 20 miles away and there are helicopters and planes flying everywhere carrying water to dump on it. It's crazy.
Today I took an easy day just surfing the internet. haha. Sometimes you just need to take it easy!
Keep me in your prayers and ya'll shall be in mine!